Planning consultation meeting 15 February 2024
Kenmore and District Community Council Extraordinary Planning Meeting Kenmore Reading Rooms
15 February 2024
Minutes |
- Present
KCC Members - Peter Ely, Carol May, Colin Morton, Alex Low, Shirley Shearer, John Iddon
Members of the Public– George Mitchell, Sheila Mitchell, Bill Oppenheim (LTA), Andrew Duncan Millar, Vivien Low, Lou Oppenheim, Fiona Smith, Jane Grimley, Clair Meek, Margaret Raeburn, Christa Mulvaney, Darren Scott(Taymouth Marina), Stacy Ives (Taymouth marina), Christine Sofflet, Alan Paterson, K Dunn, Robert Cochran, Gordon Meek, Karen Twiselton, Jardine Robertson.
- Apologies
John McGarry, Kerry Orr, Olive Munro David O Donoghue (General Manager DLC) & Robin Menzies
- Review of recent planning applications
- Planning Application 23/01804/FLL
Formation of caravan pitches and vehicular access at Land 350 Metres Southwest of Portglas.
For more information use Link to PKC portal below
- Peter E confirmed Community Council will be objecting to this development but that will only count as one objection. Individual people who also wish to object should do so before the closing date of 16/2/24 i.e. tomorrow.
- KCC has received feedback from local residents including the following points and the KCC objection will cover:
- Infrastructure/roads inadequate
- Proposed site on bend which will cause access/congestion issues
- No plan for waste/recycling facilities
- No drainage considerations
- Proposed site floods easily
- Unmanaged site out of character with local developments
- No clear name on application
- 7or 8 objections received already. This should ensure that it will need to be referred to the planning committee. The more people that object the better in terms of how serious PKC will consider the objections to be.
- Eric Strickland has confirmed that this application is nothing to do with Eric, any member of his family or Taymouth Marina.
Opened to meeting for further comments:
- Jane Grimley
- Concerns regarding who owns adjacent land. Is this the thin end of the wedge with a view to future expansion?
- No reference to grey water management in application
- No plan for waste management
- Andrew Duncan Millar
- Bank/burn to side is liable to flood but can be managed
- Strainer posts in place to indicate area covered by application
- Surrounding land is owned by Eric Strickland/Taymouth Marina/others so there should be no risk of future
- Card access system could be implemented
- Existing access sufficient for sheep/quad bikes
- George Mitchell
- Waste management not covered
- Without proper facilities it is likely that visitors may resort to dumping rubbish by the Loch
- Likely to be ‘thin end of the wedge’ leading to future expansion or updated planning applications – caravans planning application could be rejected and application changed to houses to try and secure planning for houses
- Access not suitable for motor homes/caravans. Vehicles too large to access safely from road or to turn once on site.
- Likely to have to reverse out to leave site
- Will cause congestion on narrow road
- No plan to manage site/provide office
- ‘Google’ will advise site exists but with no information on whether spaces are available. If site is full motor homes/caravans will have no option to turn around and will need to drive down to Acharn in order to leave the area. This will cause unwanted congestion in Acharn.
- Danger to pedestrians/wildlife/other road users
- No clear name on application. Ten Digital is named, which is owned by Paul Sales who was a director of Strathtay Development and was previously a co-owner of Taymouth Marina (not currently)
- Andrew Barrie (River Tay Way) mentioned at last KCC meeting that grey water facilities will be available in Aberfeldy. This is good for Aberfeldy but will create more traffic if it needs to be used by motorhomes/caravans in Kenmore.
- PKC previously rejected planning application for a similar/same site due to traffic/access restrictions.
- Bill Oppenheim
- PKC agreed in 2008 that the road infrastructure was inadequate and that the road was dangerous. An £80k grant was issued as a condition of the Taymouth Marina development to use for road improvement. Work was never completed and the grant was handed back.
- A traffic survey was carried out in 2014 and it was agreed the road in its current form is unsafe and unsustainable. Still nothing done by PKC and planning applications continue to be approved.
- John Iddon
- KCC Road safety committee has met with Paul Spicer (PKC) and highlighted the inadequacy of the road again. This new development would only make the situation worse.
Discussion closed by Peter encouraging individuals who wished to object to do so by closing date of 16th Feb. Link provided does not work in all cases so best to access via PKC Planning Portal and search for application.
- Planning Application 24/00103/FLL
Erection of 8 dwellinghouses | Land 50 Metres South West Of 6 Taymouth Marina Kenmore Aberfeldy Ph15 2hw Kenmore
Can see details via PKC Portal
Darren (Taymouth Marina Manager) explained application is an amendment to previously issued planning permission. Change will result in a smaller development that originally approved.
- Original permission granted for 8 x 2 bedroom apartments. Updated application is for 6 x 3 bedroom houses and 2 x 2 bedroom apartments.
- Square footage is smaller than original plan
- Parking requirements are the same
- Glazing less than original
- Building design has been change to be in keeping with current development style and will be smaller and lower in height than original plans.
Darren said that it was felt this was a small low risk amendment but with hindsight he acknowledged that the plan should have been shared with KCC. He apologised that this did not happen.
Opened to meeting for further comments:
Shirely/Andrew Duncan Millar/Bill Openheim all raised concerns regarding the road and suitability for additional traffic. Bill asked if a pelican crossing could be installed and a pedestrian area marked on the road. Andrew Duncan Millar suggested stone filled baskets to provide a walk way along the loch side above the high water mark. All these suggestions were covered in the 2014 road survey but still no action.
Darren said the impact on road is understood and pressure should really be put on PKC to support/require improvements. Taymouth Marina are currently in discussions with PKC re instating a pelican crossing. They are also working on signage to slow traffic down.
Taymouth Marina is aware of the impact on local community but is also working hard to be a thriving business bringing employment and economic benefits to the local area. They currently have 50 full time employees increasing to 75 in high season. There are no plans to build any additional accommodation. They are only looking to complete the development that was originally approved.
Shirley also brought up the topic of sewage - the current/new sewerage system and the contamination that happened with the wild swimming large event last year.
Darren confirmed project for new sewerage system is underway with funding secured for the £500k investment required. Discussions with PKC on building warrant underway. Project has been put out to tender and a supplier has been chosen. Condition of project is that nothing addition (over already approved plans) can be built at Taymouth Marina without the new sewerage system is in place.
In terms of the current system this has been checked and approved by SEPA/Scottish water as being adequate for the existing approved development. The periodic cleaning out of tanks (by trucks on the road) is not actually required and was being implemented to be overly cautious. The practice of cleaning out the sewerage system but trucks blocking the road will be stopped as it is causing traffic issues. The practice is not necessary and it will not happen in the future.
The fact that Stricklands as the owner of Taymouth Marina and professional architects should have planned for an adequate sewerage system was raised. This should have been covered by the original plans in 2008. Darren explained that the existing system is adequate, but the issue experienced at the large one off Triathlon event was a very unfortunate combination of events – a large event where porta loos were provided but not used and a mechanical failure on the sewerage system. To address this the fault has been fixed, existing system SEPA approved and no further large events such as the Triathlon will be held until the new sewerage system is in place.
In summary Shirley commented that local businesses need to be aware of the impact of their actions on the local community. Darren acknowledged this.
- Planning Application 23//02152/FLL
Erection of a building for golf vehicle maintenance purposes, staff welfare facilities and offices, formation of vehicular access road, hard standing, vehicle wash bays, landscaping and associated works (part allocated site H42)
For more information use Link to PKC portal below
The planning application to position a large/2 story Golf Maintenance shed immediately adjacent to the only local residential area on the estate is causing a lot of concern. It is also taking 25% of the area allocated for affordable housing in the original approved plans of 2011. Special permission is required if DLC are to build anything other than the designated 22 – 33 affordable houses on this plot.
No noise pollution study has been included in application. PKC are requesting this be undertaken.
Opened to meeting for further comments:
- Margaret Raeburn
- Resident of Taymouth Drive. Building is immediately adjacent to her properties garden and is impacting light and view.
- Positioning gives impression that DLC does not care about impact on local community
- Impacting area designated for affordable housing
- If position of shed could be moved back and down the slope it would reduce the impact on both light and view
- Only 17 people were notified of the planning application (residents of Taymouth Drive) and the map provided was very hard to interpret as in black and white.
- Concerns re noise pollution with early starts for golf course green keepers
- Colin Morton
- KCC met with DLC this week for regular contact meeting. This subject was discussed in a full and frank manner.
- DLC amenable to building (or allowing to be built) 24 affordable houses on plot if the golf shed can be sited as per application.
- We need to try and negotiate with DLC as they are under no obligation to actually build the affordable housing themselves. If we object outright they may decide to do nothing with that plot.
- The original intention of the planning permission granted in 2011 was that the 21 – 33 affordable houses would be under the control of a housing association to try and avoid properties being sold for high prices.
- DLC are amenable to selling the plot to a housing association rather than building the affordable housing themselves.
- KCC suggested moving golf shed to back of house area but this did not seem to be an acceptable alternative as the location in the planning application is the most feasible place to manage the golf course from. They want to avoid areas of flood risk and have already shelved the plans for the equestrian centre as the land allocated for this is prone to flooding.
- Alan Patterson
- Highlighted that some features, that were originally due to be temporary, are now turning into permanent fixtures eg the new road.
- Shirley/Colin indicated that this is thought to be the case because in the original planning application in 2008/2011 was not really concerned with Taymouth Castle itself (more interested in the housing) so the road to the Castle requirements had not been considered.
- George Mitchell
- Kenmore Sports and Social club met with DLC to discuss parking for the sports field. DLC’s plans are still fluid and have only really confirmed what is happening in next 2 years. Anything further out is still being considered.
- Andrew Duncan Millar/Bill Oppenheim
- DLC have committed to sharing ‘Master Plan’. When will this be available. If all the plans could be seen the community would be able to review and suggest an alternative location for the golf sheds. This is difficult to do as there is limited visibility of what is planned in each area.
- Peter E confirmed that DLC is working to the plans approved in 2008/2011 and all of these can be viewed on the PKC planning portal. Any changes to these are being covered in new planning applications such as the ‘Back of House’ application and this current one. This is the second new planning application that has been submitted because it involves a new permanent fixture.
- claire Meek
- Concerns about light pollution as the Castle works are causing a lot currently
- Colin/Peter stated it is understood that this level of light pollution will be temporary while the grounds/castle are a building site.
- The owners of the Castle/Estate particularly liked the area because of lack of light pollution.
- Alan Paterson
- Concerned about level of light pollution at East Gate
- As above this is believed to be temporary
- Clarification sought over DLC’s plans for the affordable housing.
- Colin indicated they are amenable to selling land to a housing association
- Karen Twisleton
- Can objection be raised on basis of impact to wildlife eg Ducks and Deer
- Deer have been impacted by the high fencing (until a small area was adjusted to allow access)
Peter summarised that KCC would bring concerns to DLC at next meeting. Colin and Shirley will request another meeting for this. Peter will also speak to John Williamson at PKC to try and put pressure on DLC to reconsider the location. It shows no consideration for local community.
Closing date for objections is 23 February and all those that want to object should do so individually to increase impact.
Peter will email all at the meeting to advise of progress.