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Kenmore & District Community Council

Covering Kenmore, Acharn and immediate area

Kenmore and District Community Council Meeting Minutes 25 January 2024



Peter Ely (Chair), Carol May, Kerry Orr, Jon Iddon


Cllr John McDuff, David O’Donoghue (DLC), Nick Grant (Crannog), Susan Duncan Millar, Bill Oppenheim (LTA), Robert Cochran, Ann Hunter,

Gavin Leighton


Shirley Shearer,  Olive Munro, Colin Morton, Alex Low,

John McGarry, Provost Xander McDade


MINUTE OF LAST MEETING (26th  October 2023) were agreed. Proposed Carol May. Seconded Kerry Orr.


The Chair reported a letter from a member of the community re members of K&DCC meetings with DLC, in which the view was stated, other members of the CC should be meeting with representatives of DLC. It was agreed, selection of CC representatives to meet with DLC be left to next AGM.

Kenmore School

A member of the public asked if the provision of places at Kenmore school would be sufficient to accommodate children of home owners on the Taymouth Castle Estate. At the last meeting Provost McDade had produces a formula, indicating the school could cope with the influx, however it was pointed out, while homes would be under full time ownership, there would be limited usage, as owners at Taymouth Castle Estates may well have homes elsewhere.

Maximum number of children school could manage according to calculation is 39.

There are 13 families working on the Estate with children at local school.

Upper Tay Paths Group.

Susan described how paths are made with landowners to maintain, but landowners differ in how they are maintained.

Tay Forest Park.

Cllr Duff reported a recent meeting to be in favour, with 58% happy but with the greatest concern being over land management. The end of February, 2024 is the deadline for submissions, with the aim of creating a new national park in Scotland before the end of the current Scottish parliament in 2026.

Current national parks are ‘stand alone’, however new park would be almost continuous with Caingorm and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs.


Accounts have been audited. Current accounts (to 4/1/24) shows a balance. £9,742.

Christmas in Kenmore. Takings down on last year, in particular, bar sales.

Community Council and other local organisations to be more involved to be more involved this year. If you are Chair of an organisation, you can apply for a casual licence. Planning to start earlier this year and get an earlier license


Stop Ban. For Kenmore Luxury Lodges. Change of usage for external building to create accommodation. Local residents objections on grounds of being overlooked. Agreed CC would write on behalf of residents who would be overlooked.

Installation of glazing screens.

To improve circulation between the Main Tower and the east wing. Will avoid guests having to walk through the kitchen service area.

Gauging station for SEPA

In situation as previously sited.

Auxiliary accommodation at Holly Cottage, Acharn. Not considered a problem as nobody will see this.

Temporary Back of House.. For laundry, to be constructed behind Castle. Will be used

for about 24/36 months. Eventually will be transferred to Newhall. Area will subsequently become a garden.

Proposed Extraction and pump system for golf course.

DLC application to get river water for golf course. Agreed to await and see what conditions are made on this.

Breakwater Taymouth Marina.

Application is retrospective. Concerns shape of breakwater, which should have been curved to the right, rather than the position it occupies now, which is more or less straight into the Loch. There are 4 houseboats. Concerns expressed as to whether they need planning permission. They are short term lets but subject to enforcement case at present, concerns expressed as to increased lighting and presence of sewerage in the Loch.


Update from Nick Grant. Crannog to open Easter Sunday, 31/3/24. Iron Age village complete. The museum is delayed. Building nearest to the Loch is a cafe, open to the public, with 28 covers. The Crannog are recruiting a cafe manager and 5 interpreters. The new season will start April, 2024.

Access for wild swimmers is fully restored. Site gates open for 8.00am to dusk. Vehicle parking to left of the site. Marketing is going ahead. Members of the Community Council to receive invitation to visit ahead of general opening. There will be a discount to residents in PH15 2. Angus Ross to create art work. Members of the public can purchase a disc to remember loved ones, which can be inserted into this installation; the cost being £250. The structure will be 3m in height.

Problems re lighting and sound from the generator over Christmas period discussed. New generator to be much better sound protected.



To open June 1st 2024.

Borrow Pit.

In response to an enquiry about an archeological survey at the site of the Inchadney borrow pit, David O’Donoghue replied that an archeological survey had been requested but DLC had not received a response and that all DLC’s obligations had been met.

Taymouth Trading.

Designs ongoing for planning permission. Hope pub to be on site during 2025.

Core Paths.

These will be returned to where they were previously.

Fishing Permits.

These are £1 per day for local residents, £12 per day for non residents. These are for trout fishing. Payments can be made through the castle website.

Christmas in Kenmore. Gratitude expressed to DLC for their support in helping to make this once again, a great success.

Restoration of East Gate.

This to go ahead. Scaffolding been put up.

A summary of a meeting between DLC and representatives of local Community Councils was circulated.


Agreed need to start earlier this year. In March to set a list of tasks. We will get a licence set up earlier this year.


A report of events that have taken place at the BRR since the new committee was formed.

Holly and Mince Pie coffee morning was very well attended. Raised £334.

Wreath Making Workshop. 13/12/23.Facilitated by Bridget Black of Gatehouse. There were 13 participants. This raised £210.

Quiz Night. 18/1/24. Attended by 36 members of the community. Thanks were expressed to all the volunteers who had helped with all these events and to the local businesses and members of the local community who had generously donated prizes for the raffle on quiz night. This event raised £287.

PKC Warm Welcome Grant. Initially of £2400, subsequently increased to £3091. This has allowed the BRR to open its doors to all members of the local community every Thursday afternoon from 11/1/24 until the end of March.

The grant has allowed us to undertake essential repairs and upgrades to the BRR; purchase a range of AV equipment, logs, board games, refreshments and to cover increased electricity costs.

The management committee of the BRR acknowledges the ongoing support of DLC in providing flasks of tea and coffee and delicious cookies.

The sessions are very well attended.

On Thursday 22/1/24, we had a visit from Warm Connections, based in Aberfeldy, who were able to give advice on energy saving.

Jon offered thanks once again to the volunteers for all their help and support. Thanks we’re also expressed to the volunteers who gave their time to undertake a deep clean before the coffee morning.

The management committee has registered an interest with PKC in seeking a Community Asset Transfer. We have also expressed our concerns to PKC as to ongoing problems with the fabric of the building, including problems associated with water ingress. We are waiting a detailed reply.

We have begun discussions with SSE where we hope to take forward our desire to create a Resilience Centre and look forward to meeting with one of their representatives very shortly.


The priorities and concerns of the Road Safety Group remain as outlined to the CC and Pat Spicer last year ie a speed limit of 30mph on the U177, with signage to indicate Unsuitable for Coaches and HGVs at either end of the road. We are of the view there is a need to alter signage on the C451 from Walking and Cycling Friendly Road and are looking at options.

The suggestion was made whether a flashing light by the crossing between the car park and Marina might be feasible.

A resident at Balnaskeag recently met with Cllr John Duff to discuss issues affecting local residents. These were to look at gritting schedules, and provision of gritting bins, checking culvert near to road junction as there had been considerable icing during recent cold weather. Also looked at was the status of the road - to what extent this had been adopted. The possibility of extra street lighting was also discussed.


The Community Council is working with a group of local businesses to promote Kenmore as a great place for local  businesses and for people to visit.

A. O. C. B.

The recycling point at Mains of Taymouth to be closed. PKC are looking for a new site. The sports pavilion has been suggested but this is not on a public road. Other suggestions welcome.

Associate member. The Community Council looking for a resident to represent those living in  Balnaskeag and Kenmore hill. Anyone willing to join the CC is asked to contact the Chair of the CC in the next month.

Defibrillators. See schedule attached. This is a detailed review of the provision of defibrillators in the Kenmore area and a suggestion of new sites. It was requested we look at any other appropriate sites.

Notice Boards. This is in hand. A notice board in Balnaskeag has been requested.


Trees behind Taymouth Drive. These are to be dealt with.

Next Meeting: 28th March at the Reading Room

Community Defibrillators in Kenmore area link:

..\OneDrive\COMMUNITY COUNCIL cc\COMMUNITY COUNCIL c\MEETINGS & notes\2024\25th january\Community Defibrillators in the Kenmore Area (1).docx



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