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Kenmore & District Community Council

Covering Kenmore, Acharn and immediate area


 The main thing is to report issues using the recommended channels below - particularly if you can be more specific, like more potholes, or verges damaged and falling into the burn from increased visitor traffic, or more campervans parking overnight/damaging verges - so that there is a record of them.

Road Related Issues: such as... potholes, verges, water drainage issues etc - anything to do with the condition and safety of the road.

phone PKC and ask for 'Reporting a Road Fault': 01738 475000

This is the main switchboard for PKC. They'll take a message and give you a reference number and you'll normally get a call back the next day.

oIt can also be done online here: (and best to register for an account so easy to manage all reports, as well as the other services you receive from PKC).

Driving Safety Issues: such as... speeding, dangerous driving, unsafe parking (on blind bends/summits or blocking roads or access), vehicles over-weight for small bridges, driving in convoys (of more than 12?) - basically any driving that makes excessive noise, causes danger/risks injury to other road users (including animals) or risks damage to property.

phone Police Non-Emergency number: 101 

This is the central number and all calls are logged - we have been advised that this is the best number to call to ensure there is a record of the call. Also useful to contact our local Community Police Sergeant, Caroline MacNaughton: 01738 892810 (Perth number but gets put through to Pitlochry)

Caroline is very approachable and interested in everything going on in the area and she regularly cycles out here from Aberfeldy. She is particularly concerned about adverse impacts from the Heart 200 and has stressed that we need to report things so that there is a record of the issue - and she insists we will not be wasting police time by doing so.

Antisocial Behaviour Issues:

such as... rough camping, fly tipping (rubbish or human waste), drunken behaviour, noise nuisance, verbal abuse, drug dealing.

• contact PKC's Safer Communities Team: 01738 476173 (24 hr voicemail) ~

Our local Safer Community Warden is Norma Carr, based at the Aberfeldy fire station.

Safer Community Wardens are 'the eyes and ears' of the communities and work with local residents to improve their safety and living standards. They act as a link to other agencies and work closely with area housing teams, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue, local schools, youth clubs and voluntary groups & residents' groups in their patrol areas. They report on any issues/concerns that may have a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of communities.

Issues on Forestry Commission Land: such as... campervans free camping overnight, fly tipping of rubbish or human waste etc.

No easy way to report incidents and know that these reports are being logged at present, as the FC is undergoing a period of upheaval at present. So suggestions would be to contact any of the following:

• contact the Safer Communities Team (01738 476173)

 • email the Community Council for the particular area 

Kenmore CC =

Glen Lyon & Loch Tay  

•email the Forestry Commission 

'Wild' or 'free' camping issues - what's the difference?

From researching online and discussing this issue with others this is what I think to be currently correct (but please correct me if I'm wrong)...

• It is legal for people to camp 'in the wild', but this is not by motorised access. It must be low impact, and the 'leave no trace' type of camping. The full info is here: . However, Caroline MacNaughton (our community police Sergeant) has said that they will respond to reports made at the time of noise complaints, drink driving, anti-social behaviour etc. related to this too.

• Overnight stays in campervans and motorhomes: Access rights do not include motor vehicles and there is no specific guidance on campervans and motorhomes in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. However, note that there is no legal right to park beside the road to sleep overnight. Suggested recommendation is for people to ask permission first, especially if close to any houses, and then only stay if there is no objection. Plus of course all the same responsibilities of low impact and leave no trace type of overnight stay would apply.

NOTE: All rough camping data is now being collated by Councillor Mike Williamson.

• He has requested that specific examples and problems are emailed to He is hoping that the evidence collated could be used to try and put together a case for byelaws preventing wild camping, unless with a permit, at certain times of the year in designated areas that are currently experiencing problems with this (eg. Loch Tummel) - so similar to those introduced in the Trossachs:

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