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Kenmore & District Community Council

Covering Kenmore, Acharn and immediate area

Taymouth Castle Estate Walking Access Routes

DLC has been in dialogue with PKC regarding Condition 33 and specifically to the request to temporarily restrict public access along the core path network to the south of Taymouth Castle in the interests of health and safety. This is to enable development work at both the castle and surrounding golf course to continue with the golf course works having recently been approved under Condition 42 of permission 11/00533/FLM. Given the extent and nature of the golf course works and the upcoming landscaping works around the castle the Planning Authority are content that temporarily restricting access along the core path to the south of the Castle Estate  is acceptable. 

Therefore, the Planning Authority are content to agree to the temporary arrangements outlined in documents 11/00533/648, 649, 650 and 651 as displayed on the ePlanning portal under condition 33 of the permission until September 2024.

DLC has said that it will ensure appropriate signage is put in place for both the local community and visitors to the area to make users aware of the restrictions which exist on the path network.  This will include signage within Kenmore village at the western end of the estate of the “dead end”. 

The Communit Council has made our position on pubkic access clear to DLC on many occasions – that public access to core paths must remain. We are liaising closely with our contacts at Community Greenspace and the PKC planning department who are working together on core paths and access in relation to the Taymouth Castle development to ensure the public's right of responsible access are upheld and to ensure the developer is aware of their legal obligations. Rumours of a 'gated community' have been firmly put to rest by DLC and we haved clear commiments from the owners to the maintenance of the core paths and to the full respect of the the public right to roam.

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