Perth and Kinross Council statement regarding Taymouth development
The following statement was released by Perth and Kinross Council on 14 August 2023. As it is clearly of wider interest we have published it here.
Planning permission exists on Taymouth Castle Estate for housing development which was granted in both 2003 (ref:03/02250/PPLB) and also in 2011 (11/00533/FLM). These permissions have been in place for a number of years but are only now being implemented by the current developer. They were both subject to the statutory advertisement and consultation requirements which were applicable at the time of submission. The Committee Report, associated planning documents and detailed plans can be viewed on the Council's planning portal. This includes a masterplan for the wider estate although changes to this and a reduction in the extent of housing on the site is now the intention of the current developer.
There are a series of other recent permissions granted for development at Taymouth Castle which can also be viewed on the Council's planning portal. A number of these relate to functional and service based buildings associated with the operation of the estate. The developer is also in process of progressing applications to revise the layout and design of some of the housing across the estate with permission recently being granted for revisions within "Zone 1". Further zones are due to the follow in the near future which will be considered on their own merits when received.
In terms of other background, there is a Landscape Management Plan for the site was approved as part of the 2011 permission but clearly this is now out of the date given the time which has elapsed since the original permission was granted. Therefore, a detailed Woodland Replenishment and Landscape Management Plan (WLMP) for the whole estate is currently being prepared by the developer following liaison with the Planning Authority and Historic Environment Scotland. This will be an updated WLMP to that which was approved under the initial 2011 permission. This is due to be submitted in the coming weeks and will be displayed on the eplanning portal under applications 22/01484/FLL, 22/01485/FLL, 22/01486/FLL and 22/01487/FLL when approved. These permissions relate to the revised designs/layout of previously approved housing in Zone 1 of the estate.
There are also a series of updated documents for the wider estate under these permissions including a masterplan, phasing plan, strategic planning framework and Schedule of Conservation Works for the listed buildings and structures across the estate. These were requested to give the Planning Authority security on the developer's intentions for the estate and provide a more up to date picture of the intentions for the estate and timescale for the development. These are available to view on the Council's planning portal.
The Schedule of Conservation Works for the listed buildings and structures on the estate provides an outline of timescales and the intentions for the re-use and restoration of the listed buildings. The intention is for these documents to be continually updated as development progresses across the zones within the estate to ensure the Council retains control over the ongoing development. There is also a detailed phasing and masterplan for the estate which is based upon the original approvals.
In terms of access issues, there are currently diversions in place on the core path network within the estate and these are solely temporary in order to facilitate construction operations and to ensure the safety of path users during these construction operations. Alternative safe temporary routes have been provided within the estate by the developer. There is an allowance under Condition 33 of permission 11/00533/FLM to make temporary diversions to the core path network to facilitate safe construction. These temporary diversions have been discussed in detail and agreed with the Council's Community Greenspace (Access) Team following site visits.
There are no permissions in place for any permanent diversions of core paths at this time and the developer is fully aware of the Land Reform Act and the "right to roam" in Scotland. They are also fully aware of the legislative process associated with any wish to make permanent changes to the core path network under Section 208 of the Town and Country Planning Act.
The temporary diversions which are in place can be viewed on the eplanning portal under application 11/00533/FLM doc ref: 648-651, dated 14 June 2023.
The issue of ecological management and protection has been raised by the local community but this is also fully considered as part of the planning process and the developer employs an ecologist as part of the development to advise and liaise with the Council on ecological mitigation and enhancement throughout. There is also an approved Bio Diversity Strategy for the estate which is attached for information.
The works within the estate will contribute to the important Category 'A' Listed Building(s) being brought back into active use together with improvements and management of the wider Historic Garden and Designed Landscape. The previous permissions were granted as "enabling" development to allow the category A listed buildings and wider Taymouth Castle Historic Garden and Designed Landscape to be restored and brought back into active use and it is that enabling development which is now progressing on site.
The overall project at Taymouth Castle is anticipated to be of benefit to the local community, appreciating that the development is significant and likely to take some time to progress towards completion.
The Planning Authority is also aware of the works being undertaken at Glenlyon and is liaising directly with the developer to ensure they are undertaken appropriately.
Any future planning applications made by the developer will be advertised in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 and members of the public will have the opportunity to make representations on these when submitted.
I trust the above helps to provide some background to the permissions which are associated with the development.
Kind Regards
John Williamson
Planning Officer
Planning and Development
Development Management
Perth and Kinross Council
Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street
14 August 2023