Quarterly Community Council Forum Meeting, 06/11/2024
David O’Donoghue Taymouth Castle
Mairi McAdam Taymouth Castle
Victor Clements Aberfeldy CC
Val Ferguson Aberfeldy CC
Colin Morton (Kenmore CC), Lorraine Reed (Aberfeldy CC), June Riddell and Sue Dolan-Betney (Glenlyon & Loch Tay
CC), Charlie Grant (Killin CC), Andy Aitken (Killin CC) and Peter Ely (Kenmore CC).
Agenda & Minutes
D O’Donoghue firstly provided an overview of key factors from the year 2023-2024:
Restoration progress has included completion of the main castle and west wing, 12 seeded holes on the golf course
with progress on track to complete construction by December. Completion of the East Gate, Urn and Deer Park
Bridge – with renovation of the Dairy as Golf Clubhouse in the next phase. Revitalization of Kenmore Public Toilets
and Kenmore Shop is complete. Staffing has increased from around 80 to 150 full time staff; with a further 60 that
are part of the team, based at Moness Resort. Community engagement continues, with involvement and links to
schools, charities and local organisations; as well as staff becoming part of the community- clubs, volunteering,
socializing and as customers. The estate continues to work closely with PKC and all regulatory bodies as well as
taking local advice on wildlfife and the environment.
1. Open House and Community Open Day
a) Local community councils, businesses, organisations, connections and family history links; 80
attendees on Fri 11th Oct.
b) 450 local residents attended Open Day – Sat 12th Oct.
c) Tickets went very quickly, and the team created a waiting list as we hope to host another event.
Feedback was very positive. Everyone was delighted to meet the contractors who undertook the
restoration works, and to experience the craftsmanship for themselves. The only notable downside
was being running out of Kenmore Bakery’s wonderful cakes!
d) Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance fundraising – raised £1700 on day, which Taymouth Castle
matched with a £2000 donation.
2. Communication/engagement:
a) Continue to meet members of Kenmore community council on a monthly basis.
b) Newsletter – Autumn Edition was sent out late September; Winter edition will be posted for 1st
week December.
c) Regular attendance at: KCC meetings, Loch Tay Association, Reading Rooms and Christmas Planning.
d) David met with the First Minister John Swinney late in September to provide an update on
developments and planning.e) A summary of planning enquiries was published by the First Minister containing PKC planning response.
f) Taymouth Castle’s restoration has recently featured in the Courier, Scotsman and Scottish Field.
3. Community outreach & support provided by Taymouth Castle was summarised by David:
a) Kenmore Primary School – a termly opportunity to inspire pupils with a ‘careers at the castle’
workshop takes place, last month focused on construction and security.
b) Reading Rooms – support has been provided for history leaflets & has been agreed for the next
Warm Welcome programme from January 2025
c) Killin Primary School – 3 ‘trug’ planters were made by the maintenance team and are now installed
d) A fun golf teaching programme will commence in primary schools in early 2025, delivered by our
e) Dementia Garden, Aberfeldy Town Hall – a long wall planter is being made and a trellis was installed
f) Donating items as requested by the Food bank linked Christmas Hamper for 20 families locally
g) Donation of Christmas Trees with charitable donation to Mountain Rescue to local care homes &
nurseries, schools
h) Participation in local Community Action planning (Moness Resort, Taymouth)
4. Upcoming Event Support
a) Aberfeldy Christmas Markets
b) Christmas in Kenmore
c) Fortingall Hall Fundraiser
d) Highland Ball
e) Young Farmers Dance
f) Aberfeldy Hogmanay
g) Killin Film Project
5. Kenmore Village Update:
a) Beach – erosion works are being undertaken early next year, new bins being installed later in
November, memorial benches in poor condition to be replaced and an AED to be installed in place
of the parking meter (out of use)
b) Improvement plans for the Core Path are underway with tree management, installation of benches
and interpretation boards in first quarter 2025
c) Upcoming Tree Works by SSEN are with accompanying power outage effecting toilets and pavilion
d) The Kenmore Phone box will be restored to its former glory and be fit for a new purpose (Kenmore
Community Council).
e) A full survey of the church, to assess its condition is being carried out mid-November.
6. Planning Update
Planning Approvals
a) Golf Starter Hut – this was approved earlier in the Autum and works have commenced
b) Golf Clubhouse, Dairy – envelope works to commence before end 2025
c) Pump House- works underway
Current Planning Submissions
a) Golf Maintenance Facility – this was resubmitted mid-October following public consultation and
awaits PKC feedback.
b) Newhall ‘Operation Village’ – this will be resubmitted soon and has taken into consideration
feedback following public consultation in 2023.
c) Housing Zones – these are currently being considered and are undergoing statutory surveys and
a) Moness Resort – awaiting initial feedback from PKC before full planning application submitted.
7. Infrastructure and sand
a) Sand to complete the majority of works on the golf course has been obtained locally from the
borrow pit at Inchadney; however, construction of remaining holes requires additional sand haulage
from Alloa, constituting 25 trucks per day for 1 month from tomorrow; avoiding busy hours. Route
is A9 then A827.
b) Cabling works complete South riverside path have been completed.
c) HV cable works into Newhall woods have been completed.
d) The new West Access has been completed.
8. Discussion topics & Questions
Q: Victor asked to have a detailed list of planning applications relating to flood prevention.
A: D O’Donoghue indicated that he would send this; and highlighted that all flood prevention on the Estate is
being built above the riverbank level, designed by specialist engineers; Taymouth castles original flood
defences were built in the 1800s and remain in place.
Q: Val asked if disabled access to Kenmore beach could be given some consideration?
A: D O’Donoghue indicated that the team would look into this.
Q: Victor asked about the trees awaiting management at Moness Resort.
A: D O’Donoghue confirmed that the felling license has recently been processed and a schedule of works is
expected shortly – this will be forwarded to Aberfeldy CC.
Q: Victor asked if there was a time scale on the Moness change of use planning application.
D: D O’Donoghue said that he will let Aberfeldy CC know and that the process is anticipated to require a public
consultation phase.
There was highly positive feedback provided from all Community Councillors who attended the open house on 11th October. Feedback from the Aberfeldy & Dull & Weem community action plan consultation was shared, with the priority areas identified as the need for affordable housing and improvements in public transport.
Taymouth Castle Estate - Joint Comm Council Meetings
Meeting 30 July
David O’Donoghue Mairi McAdam Lorraine Reed
Sue Dolan-Betney Roddy Kennedy
Taymouth Castle Taymouth Castle Aberfeldy CC
Glenlyon & Loch Tay CC Dull & Weem CC
Shirley Shearer Charlie Grant June Riddell Andy Aitken
Kenmore CC
Killin CC
Glenlyon & Loch Tay CC Killin CC
Quarterly Community Council Forum Meeting, 30/07/2024
Graham Huggins (Mid Atholl); Val Ferguson (Aberfeldy CC); Colin Morton & Peter Ely (Kenmore CC)
Agenda & Minutes
Meeting commenced at 1835. D O’Donoghue provided an update across the following aspects:
1. Communication/engagement:
a. We continue to meet with the KCC liaison commitee on a monthly basis.
b. Newsleter – the Summer Edition landed earlier in July, and Autumn will be expected in late Sept. c. Recent blogs have included insights on the Economic Impact Assessment, Stained Glass, Japanese Knotweed and Flowers in Kenmore. htps://welcometotaymouth.com/news/
d. We atend other local meetings on a regular basis – including KCC meetings, Loch Tay Association, Reading Room and Christmas in Kenmore planning.
e. David has met with John Duff recently and has had no further meetings with other councillors or MSPs.
2. Community outreach & support provided by Taymouth Castle was summarised by David:
Kenmore Primary School – members of the Taymouth team supported a school run to the Fort, and we regularly provide a ‘Careers at the Castle’ talk – with members of our IT and finance team providing insights to technology careers.
Reading Rooms – we continue to support the reading rooms and have recently repaired the fence.
Kenmore Highland Games – this year we provided assistance in the preparation of the sports field, as well as sponsoring the event.
Killin Primary School – we provided gravel, rubber mating, tools and sand to help the school front improvement project, to create new learning spaces.
Tombreck – we have provided the market farm with woodchip.
Fortingall Arts – we helped with the set up of the art display boards, which we store on behalf of the Fortingall Art commitee, and provided some refreshments for their 20th year anniversary opening night.
Tay Valley Connections – we are working with the team to refurbish a room in the Locus Centre Aberfeldy to use as a community space.
Fearnan Hall – we are helping with the laying of foundations for the recycling hub at the Hall.
i. LEJOG Aberfeldy Rugby Club – we were delighted to support their fundraising efforts for the My Name5 Doddie charity.
a. Renovation of Taymouth Castle - Community Open Event; the details will be in the Autumn Newsleter.
Killin Highland Games – we are pleased to be supporting this annual event.
Aberfeldy Show – we are supporting the car parking, providing some equipment and supporting this traditional event
Multi-Sport Festival & Triathlon – the event will utilise the horse field for parking, 16-18th August.
Kenmore Village Update:
a. The Shop, run by Ballintaggart, opened 21st June; feedback has been positive.
b. The Toilets were opened in April, and have been well received. There is a QR code to make a donation to the Crannog.
c. We are working with PKC to replace the bins at the beach, and upgrade memorial benches.
d. The Kenmore Hotel concept design is progressing, however significant works required may push this later into 2026 / early 2027 for completion.e. Taymouth Trading – concept design has been approved, and this will move forward with an estimated completion of late 2025/early 2026.
Castle, Golf Course and Glenlyon Estate Update:
The Castle is open and functioning well, with a few teething problems where old systems meet new, as would be expected. We have 168 team members (operational staff), as of today.
No change in status with regards to Glenlyon estate works. The woodland programme has commenced; with long-term planting for non-commercial purposes; alongside the planting of a heritage orchard. The farm, deer, game keeping and agricultural aspects are in operations and are evolving.
The golf course is progressing well, with some slight delays due to the weather, with entire completion set for end 2025; and a front 9 by the end of 2024.
Feedback from the Golf Maintenance Building planning application has been taken on board; and a significantly revised plan is expected to be submited later in August.
Various Housing Zone applications have gone into the planning approval process recently.
Temporary permissions for back of house – laundry and storage, security building, golf starter hut,
wild kitchen and spa have all been approved.
West Access – this will be finished soon (14 days) with pavement and bus stop added; the East Gate renovation is complete.
Newhall – no update on revised plans as yet.
Environmental update:
Fishing permits continue to be purchased, with regular locals and visitors buying them; averaging 10 per month; peaking July-Sept.
The Team from the Scotish invasive species Initiative will be on site in August to commence Japanese Knotweed treatment; and we are taking part in the Mink Control Project where mink monitoring rafts have been installed. Once mink are detected, they are trapped and humanely dispatched.
We have a local Bird Recorder on site to monitor breeding birds and will use his expertise to encourage more species to inhabit the Estate.
A deer survey is planned for August, to ensure the Roe Deer population in particular are healthy.
Preservation update:
1. We are working with a local genealogist to pull together a detailed account of the Breadalbane Campbells and all the interior design heraldic meanings.
Our specialist interior decorators and the genealogist will be speaking about their work at the Castle at the Breadalbane Heritage Society meeting on 20th sept.
As part of an archiving project, we are in the early stages of mapping and researching this.
8. Moness update:
The summer Moness activity offering was shared – highlighting the regular activities for both visitors and locals – with many craft and fun based sessions for children, alongside bingo, quiz nights and beetle drives. htps://www.moness.com/things-to-do/resort-activities/
Moness are offering free meeting space use, to local groups and organisations.
The team at Moness are looking to develop a local leaflet in association with Visit Aberfeldy, and
they also offer a community discount for food and drink.
Discussion topics & Questions
Q: Charlie Grant asked what the timescale on house building is?
A: D O’Donoghue indicated that we expect to see approx. 20 houses built in 3yrs; 70 houses in 5-7yrs with a steady increase.
Q: Charlie Grant asked who will build the houses?
A: D O’Donoghue explained that full project management is offered; and we have 3 local builders lined up for these works. 3-4 designs are available.
Q: Charlie Grant asked if any houses are within conservation zones?
A: D O’Donoghue said no, and that the original application of 170 is down to 150.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked if there has been many plots sold?
A: D O’Dononghue confirmed that yes, plots have been sold.
Q: Lorraine Reed asked if there has been any change in the use of Moness?
A: D O’Donoghue explained that the pre-planning application phase will commence soon.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked what percentage of Moness use is for staff.
A: The current use has not changed in percentage, as our staff members have back-filled what was previously used by the main contractor on the Castle project, who had a contract with Moness. We have seen a change in demographic, with more families staying in self-catering units – part of the evolution of the type of travel and holiday seen locally. We have noted the campsite occupancy is significantly down, potentially due to the flood damage.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked what percentage of the homes are likely to have American owners?
A: D O’Donoghue said that we expect a 60 American: 40 non-American ratio of ownership.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked what the prospective buyers to the Estate like about this area, some testimonials would be of interest.
A: D O’Donoghue commented that the traditions of Scotland and of the area, and Scottish charm are some notable positives.
Q: Charlie Grant asked if the planning permission obtained for housing on the Estate included an affordable element?
A: D O’Donoghue said no, this was not a condition set my PKC.
There was highly positive feedback provided from all Community Councils in atendance on the public toilets on behalf of local residents and visitors. There was constructive feedback provided on the Newsleter content and general appreciation of Ballintaggart run Village Shop and revitalisation of the village was expressed.
The meeting ended at 19.20pm.
Taymouth Castle Estate - Joint CC Meetings
Quarterly Community Council Forum Meeting, 30/04/2024
David O’Donoghue Taymouth Castle
Mairi McAdam Taymouth Castle
Val Henderson Aberfeldy CC
Lorraine Reed Aberfeldy CC
Sue Dolan-Betney Glenlyon & Loch Tay CC
Roddy Kennedy Dull & Weem CC
Colin Morton Kenmore CC
Graham Huggins Mid Atholl CC
Charlie Grant Killin CC
Andy Aitken (Killin CC), Anna Brocklehurst (Dull &Weem CC), Peter Ely & Shirley Shearer (Kenmore CC)
Agenda & Minutes
Meeng commenced at 1835. D O’Donoghue provided an update on the following:
1. Communicaon/engagement:
a. Newsleter – reach extended to cover all 6 community council areas
b. FAQs have been updated on the website
c. Community Pledge has also been updated on website
d. Economic Impact Assessment will be shared later this week; a link to the whole document,
compiled by a 3rd part independent consultancy will be shared
e. Career Fairs in Perth and Dundee were atended by the Taymouth Castle team recently as
part of a recruitment drive. A variety of roles are available and individuals are encouraged
to forward their CVs to the recruitment portal
2. Community outreach & support:
a. Easter Family Cra & Treasure Hunt 31st march was supported by the Taymouth Castle
b. Supporng the Crannog with mber, turf and stones in preparaon for their opening on
1st April.
c. Supported Kenmore Pupils to take part in a Kenmore postcard compeon.d. Supporng a local history tour incorporang The Fort, Kenmore, Old Village of Lawers and
Castle Menzies to highlight the importance of Queen Victoria’s visit, Duleep Singh and the
old Lady of Lawers – this will take place on 8th and 9th May for all S2 pupils at Breadalbane.
e. Looking forward to again supporng local Highland Games events and the Triathlon &
Mul Sport weekend.
3. Kenmore Village Update:
a. The Shop frontage works and re fit of interior are underway; with shop proprietor
announcement soon and local residents input meeng 9th May; shop expected to open 1st
week June.
b. Hanging baskets to be in place in and around Kenmore
c. Tree works connue in and around the estate to manage dead, decaying and dangerous
trees which have been neglected for many years.
4. Health & Safety:
a. The public toilets near compleon, awaing signage and installaon of hand dryers. The
toilets will be cleaned twice daily; kissing gate is being made and a temporary wooden
fence is in place for safety. Opening 6 May.
b. A defibrillator will be installed by the beach carpark (ulizing power to where the car park
cket machine was)
c. Beach Erosion repair works are planned, along the beach and around the paper boat.
5. Roads:
a. The West Access is now the main entrance for all castle staff, contractors and deliveries
with the wall nearing compleon on the A827.
b. Sand trucks from Inchadney farmed sand site connue to deliver, with plans to reinstate
the Inchadney site will infill as per PKC planning requirements.
6. Taymouth Castle & Glenlyon Estate Planning update:
a. Current planning submissions include a number of temporary buildings
b. Plans for the Golf Maintenance Facility were withdrawn and are to be re-submited
following consideraon and incorporaon of feedback received in 3-4 weeks
c. Works to renovate the fishing hut by Peters Pool have completed and several other
projects are on hold at Glenlyon currently while Castle compleon works take priority.
7. Environmental update:
a. As members of the Loch Tay Associaon, members of the Taymouth castle team have been
involved with the creaon of an updated Code of Conduct and are fully supporve of the
b. 6 fishing permits have been sold this month with 4 being visitors and 2 locals
c. Taymouth castle are working closely with the Scosh Invasive Species Iniave (part of
Nature Scot) to manage invasive species – Mink and Japanese Knotweed, which have both
been idenfied as prevalent on the Estate.
d. Trees on Glenlyon – a significant re-wilding and planng programme is in progress with
67,000 planted and another 100,000 to go in; these trees will not be for commercial
purposes. 150 heritage fruit trees will also be planted later this year.
8. Preservaon update:
a. We are working closely with local experts to inform us on key informaon – including
Tommy Pringle, and the Aberfeldy Museum group.
b. We are planning to work with the Dunkeld Archive team to create a Living Archive which
will be shared with the local community and gied to the Reading Rooms.
c. The Castle featured in the Scosh Stained Glass Society talks – the Barons Hall painted
glass commissioned in 1815 being the topic of the arsans work and thesis.d. The stained glass and decoraon restoraon works will feature as a topic in the
Breadalbane Heritage Society talks later this year.
9. Moness update:
a. The Moness Resort team were TUPE’d over in early April
b. Renovaons are planned.
c. Planning permission seeking to change use of some units is yet to be submited. Pre
warning of the details will be provided.
10. Other aspects
a. Core Paths – signage is being developed to add informaon boards with historical and
wildlife insights. Water staons and benches are also looking to be added.
b. Alcohol license for Taymouth Castle – public consultaon phase complete with no
comments received.
Discussion topics & Quesons
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked about the infill of Inchadney and what is planned?
A: Sand is currently being farmed in Inchadney unl around July. Return trips are being used for
replacement materials to reinstate the borrow pits but only as soil is made available. Thereaer,
Inchadney will be reinstated as per PKC condions of planning.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked about any update on Newhall back of house?
A: David O’Donoghue indicated that there is no update at the moment, however when plans are
ready to be re-submited we will fully engage the community in those details.
Q: Charlie Grant asked about any further acvity from Protect Loch Tay.
A: David O’Donoghue said that there was a recent organised ramble of 28 people on Sunday 21st
April, who walked to the Fort and back from Kenmore.
Q: Val Henderson asked if there would be potenal opportunies for apprenceships and is there
any transport provided from Aberfeldy?
A: David O’Dononghue confirmed that yes, although different departments are at different stages of
growth, there will be apprenceships and all sorts of other opportunies. There will be a shutle
running from Moness and potenally from Aberfeldy.
Q: Lorraine Reed asked about the potenal of opening up some rural experiences at Glenlyon up
to the community?
A: David O’Donoghue confirmed that there may be an opportunity for links to teaching and skill-
based learning; and that both the Castle and Glenlyon Estates will be looking for ways in which to
engage further with the community on work experience and school careers programmes.
Q: Sue Dolan-Betney asked about the possibility of developing species rich grassland areas,
speaking to Perth & Kinross countryside Trust David Tollick?
A: David O’Donoghue said that this can be explored and he will suggest it to the Glenlyon team.
Q: Lorraine Reed asked about Moness and numbers of visitors staying there.A: David O’Donoghue commented that use of Moness over Easter and Hogmanay was a full capacity
with visitors, and then have seen an increase in general hotel use. With the reducon of cedar
club users, this will further increase visitors and their room to accommodate some Taymouth
Castle staff and contractors in off-peak mes to maintain occupancy.
Q: Charlie Grant suggested a collaborave approach on improvements required to the Kenmore to
Killin road.
A: Colin Morton agreed and that it would be worthwhile creating a collective working group – and
add to the Kenmore CC’s Road subcommitee. The discussion then extended to wider
infrastructure – broadband, transport; and that these challenges are not helping tourism thrive.
Q: Roddy Kennedy asked if the boundary wall will be restored?
A: David O’Donoghue confirmed that it will be all around the estate on the Castle side.
The meeng ended at 1920pm.