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Kenmore & District Community Council

Covering Kenmore, Acharn and immediate area

Taymouth Castle Estate - Joint CC Meetings

Quarterly Community Council Forum Meeng, 30/04/2024


David O’Donoghue Taymouth Castle

Mairi McAdam Taymouth Castle

Val Henderson Aberfeldy CC

Lorraine Reed Aberfeldy CC

Sue Dolan-Betney Glenlyon & Loch Tay CC

Roddy Kennedy Dull & Weem CC

Colin Morton Kenmore CC

Graham Huggins Mid Atholl CC

Charlie Grant Killin CC


Andy Aitken (Killin CC), Anna Brocklehurst (Dull &Weem CC), Peter Ely & Shirley Shearer (Kenmore CC)

Agenda & Minutes

Meeng commenced at 1835. D O’Donoghue provided an update on the following:

1. Communicaon/engagement:

a. Newsleter – reach extended to cover all 6 community council areas

b. FAQs have been updated on the website

c. Community Pledge has also been updated on website

d. Economic Impact Assessment will be shared later this week; a link to the whole document,

compiled by a 3rd part independent consultancy will be shared

e. Career Fairs in Perth and Dundee were atended by the Taymouth Castle team recently as

part of a recruitment drive. A variety of roles are available and individuals are encouraged

to forward their CVs to the recruitment portal



2. Community outreach & support:

a. Easter Family Cra & Treasure Hunt 31st march was supported by the Taymouth Castle


b. Supporng the Crannog with mber, turf and stones in preparaon for their opening on

1st April.

c. Supported Kenmore Pupils to take part in a Kenmore postcard compeon.d. Supporng a local history tour incorporang The Fort, Kenmore, Old Village of Lawers and

Castle Menzies to highlight the importance of Queen Victoria’s visit, Duleep Singh and the

old Lady of Lawers – this will take place on 8th and 9th May for all S2 pupils at Breadalbane.

e. Looking forward to again supporng local Highland Games events and the Triathlon &

Mul Sport weekend.


3. Kenmore Village Update:

a. The Shop frontage works and re fit of interior are underway; with shop proprietor

announcement soon and local residents input meeng 9th May; shop expected to open 1st

week June.

b. Hanging baskets to be in place in and around Kenmore

c. Tree works connue in and around the estate to manage dead, decaying and dangerous

trees which have been neglected for many years.


4. Health & Safety:

a. The public toilets near compleon, awaing signage and installaon of hand dryers. The

toilets will be cleaned twice daily; kissing gate is being made and a temporary wooden

fence is in place for safety. Opening 6 May.

b. A defibrillator will be installed by the beach carpark (ulizing power to where the car park

cket machine was)

c. Beach Erosion repair works are planned, along the beach and around the paper boat.


5. Roads:

a. The West Access is now the main entrance for all castle staff, contractors and deliveries

with the wall nearing compleon on the A827.

b. Sand trucks from Inchadney farmed sand site connue to deliver, with plans to reinstate

the Inchadney site will infill as per PKC planning requirements.


6. Taymouth Castle & Glenlyon Estate Planning update:

a. Current planning submissions include a number of temporary buildings

b. Plans for the Golf Maintenance Facility were withdrawn and are to be re-submited

following consideraon and incorporaon of feedback received in 3-4 weeks

c. Works to renovate the fishing hut by Peters Pool have completed and several other

projects are on hold at Glenlyon currently while Castle compleon works take priority.


7. Environmental update:

a. As members of the Loch Tay Associaon, members of the Taymouth castle team have been

involved with the creaon of an updated Code of Conduct and are fully supporve of the


b. 6 fishing permits have been sold this month with 4 being visitors and 2 locals

c. Taymouth castle are working closely with the Scosh Invasive Species Iniave (part of

Nature Scot) to manage invasive species – Mink and Japanese Knotweed, which have both

been idenfied as prevalent on the Estate.

d. Trees on Glenlyon – a significant re-wilding and planng programme is in progress with

67,000 planted and another 100,000 to go in; these trees will not be for commercial

purposes. 150 heritage fruit trees will also be planted later this year.


8. Preservaon update:

a. We are working closely with local experts to inform us on key informaon – including

Tommy Pringle, and the Aberfeldy Museum group.

b. We are planning to work with the Dunkeld Archive team to create a Living Archive which

will be shared with the local community and gied to the Reading Rooms.

c. The Castle featured in the Scosh Stained Glass Society talks – the Barons Hall painted

glass commissioned in 1815 being the topic of the arsans work and thesis.d. The stained glass and decoraon restoraon works will feature as a topic in the

Breadalbane Heritage Society talks later this year.


9. Moness update:

a. The Moness Resort team were TUPE’d over in early April

b. Renovaons are planned.

c. Planning permission seeking to change use of some units is yet to be submited. Pre

warning of the details will be provided.


10. Other aspects

a. Core Paths – signage is being developed to add informaon boards with historical and

wildlife insights. Water staons and benches are also looking to be added.

b. Alcohol license for Taymouth Castle – public consultaon phase complete with no

comments received.


Discussion topics & Quesons

Q: Roddy Kennedy asked about the infill of Inchadney and what is planned?

A: Sand is currently being farmed in Inchadney unl around July. Return trips are being used for

replacement materials to reinstate the borrow pits but only as soil is made available. Thereaer,

Inchadney will be reinstated as per PKC condions of planning.


Q: Roddy Kennedy asked about any update on Newhall back of house?

A: David O’Donoghue indicated that there is no update at the moment, however when plans are

ready to be re-submited we will fully engage the community in those details.


Q: Charlie Grant asked about any further acvity from Protect Loch Tay.

A: David O’Donoghue said that there was a recent organised ramble of 28 people on Sunday 21st

April, who walked to the Fort and back from Kenmore.


Q: Val Henderson asked if there would be potenal opportunies for apprenceships and is there

any transport provided from Aberfeldy?

A: David O’Dononghue confirmed that yes, although different departments are at different stages of

growth, there will be apprenceships and all sorts of other opportunies. There will be a shutle

running from Moness and potenally from Aberfeldy.


Q: Lorraine Reed asked about the potenal of opening up some rural experiences at Glenlyon up

to the community?

A: David O’Donoghue confirmed that there may be an opportunity for links to teaching and skill-

based learning; and that both the Castle and Glenlyon Estates will be looking for ways in which to

engage further with the community on work experience and school careers programmes.


Q: Sue Dolan-Betney asked about the possibility of developing species rich grassland areas,

speaking to Perth & Kinross countryside Trust David Tollick?

A: David O’Donoghue said that this can be explored and he will suggest it to the Glenlyon team.


Q: Lorraine Reed asked about Moness and numbers of visitors staying there.A: David O’Donoghue commented that use of Moness over Easter and Hogmanay was a full capacity

with visitors, and then have seen an increase in general hotel use. With the reducon of cedar

club users, this will further increase visitors and their room to accommodate some Taymouth

Castle staff and contractors in off-peak mes to maintain occupancy.


Q: Charlie Grant suggested a collaborave approach on improvements required to the Kenmore to

Killin road.


A: Colin Morton agreed and that it would be worthwhile creating a collective working group – and

add to the Kenmore CC’s Road subcommitee. The discussion then extended to wider

infrastructure – broadband, transport; and that these challenges are not helping tourism thrive.


Q: Roddy Kennedy asked if the boundary wall will be restored?

A: David O’Donoghue confirmed that it will be all around the estate on the Castle side.

The meeng ended at 1920pm.

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